

As soon as you choose our company, the DUNMAR URBANA S.L team is at your disposal to offer full assessment in the buying and selling process of your property.

In the process of buying we will take care of your preferences and your needs, so that the property that you will purchase adapts to your criteria and wishes. Once the property has been chosen the DUNMAR URBANA S.L team will prepare all the necessary documentations to formalize the process before a notary.


Once the process of selling has finished, our company DUNAMAR URBANA S.L will provide wide variety of services delivering all the help that is necessary.
We offer you the procedures that are shown below

  • Tax management
  • Supplies Telephone and internet hiring
  • All types of insurance
  • Purchase of furniture Cleaning service Reforms Etc.

Also, we will help you with all services that are related to your properties.


Foreigners identification number. It is a personal unique and necessary number for all of your tax management that will be a part of all your documents that will be made in Spain.

We will help you with the processes of obtaining the N.I.E., gathering all the documentation necesary to obtain it!

Banking inquiries

Our team will help you and keep you updated throughout the process of making your account and inquiring your mortgage.


  • Translating services
  • Arrival and transport from and to the airport
  • Assessment if purchases
  • Personal guide

We guarantee an individual approach, ready to help in any situation and adaptation in the territory of Spain, always act in accordance with your circumstances and for your well-being.

If you have any questions, you can call +34 663 064 450 (from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 20:00), or you can ask your questions by e-mail